
WikiDoc ( <wee-kee doc> or <wick-ey doc> )WikiDoc is an open source website that allows an international community of healthcare professionals to add and edit medical content in a process termed co-creation. WikiDoc is designed to facilitate collaborative authoring.  It was founded and created by one of our faculty, Dr. C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. in late 2005. Gibson serves as Editor-In-Chief of the site.

WikiDoc, is the world’s original and largest medical wiki with over 2,200 authors of over 100,000 chapters that have been edited millions of times. Gibson has personally edited the site over 65,000 times. There is no pharmaceutical or device company support of the site. The site is supported by volunteer efforts and the bandwidth is supported by philanthropy.

WikiDoc allows a community of healthcare professionals to ‘co-create’ webpages in a way that does not require knowledge of HTML language or computer programming. As a result, numerous people can collaborate in writing articles, textbook chapters or news stories. Prior versions of webpages are stored, and at any time, a page can be reverted to any of its previous states. The ‘Discussion’ tab allows the community of users to discuss rapidly evolving issues so that a consensus can be reached regarding WikiDoc content. WikiDoc members can choose to be alerted by email when changes are made to a topic they are interested in by clicking on the ‘Watch’ tab.WikiPatient is the sister site to WikiDoc, and is an open source textbook of medicine that is written at the 5th to 8th grade level.

Our faculty are proud to volunteer their efforts in editing this free, open source textbook of medicine. The textbook is accessible through many of our trial portals.

WikiDoc home page here

Specialty ChaptersAllergy | Anesthesiology | Cardiology | Dermatology | Ear, Nose & Throat | Endocrinology & Metabolic Disease | Emergency Medicine | GI | Genetics | Geriatrics | Hematology | Infectious Disease | Intensive Care Medicine | Medical Imaging | Musculoskeletal | Neurology | Nutrition | ObGyne | Oncology | Ophthalmology | Overdose & Toxicology | Pathology | Pediatrics | Plastic Surgery | Psychiatry | Pulmonary | Radiology | Renal & GU | Rheumatology & Autoimmune | Surgery | TransplantContents  by Individual Disease | by Signs and Sx | by Physical Examination | by Lab Tests | DrugWikiDoc Medical School CurriculumAnatomy | Biochemistry | Biostatistics | Developmental Biology | Epidemiology | Histology | History | Immunology | Medical Ethics | Microbiology | Molecular Biology | Nephrology | NIH | Organic Chemistry | Pharmacology | Physiology | Public Health |Clinical Trials Wiki: Textbook | Terminology | Acronyms of Clinical Trial Names | Acronyms of Clinical Trial Terms | For Patients