Angiographic Core Laboratory Services

Angiographic Core Laboratory Services

Experience and Quality

BCRI’s experts are the world’s leaders in the angiographic analysis of pharmaceutical and device trials.  Dr. C. Michael Gibson invented the TIMI Frame Count and the TIMI Myocardial Perfusion Grade which are used to assess the efficacy of reperfusion strategies.  BCRI can assess the effectiveness of your drug or device in improving a wide range of angiographic outcomes (see services below).

Appropriate Use Criteria Core Lab and Peer Review

BCRI experts are sought out by hospitals, payers, medical societies and law firms to perform peer review of angiograms to determine the appropriateness, complications and success of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI, or angioplasty and stenting).  BCRI also performs peer review of both medical record documentation as well angiograms to evaluate physician compliance with guidelines / evidence based Appropriate Use Criteria.  BCRI will provide a report quantitating deficiencies and identifying areas for improvement at a site.


Rapid turnaround of high quality angiographic data is a priority.  For instance, we offer same day analysis of films from dose ranging studies where ongoing decisions are needed as to whether an arm of the trial should be dropped or continued.


Our core laboratory is equipped with the infrastructure, personnel, and experience to meet the goals and timeline for any type of angiographic study. Our core laboratory has 34 years of experience receiving mailings from international multicenter trials, some with hundreds of participating centers and many thousands patients.  We have analyzed films from all countries. 


We  offer the analysis of coronary and peripheral arteriograms from a variety of studies:

  • Coronary and peripheral new device trials including evaluation of novel stent designs
  • Coronary ACS trials including acute MI, non ST elevation MI and unstable angina
  • Peer review and certification of cardiac catheterization laboratory quality
  • Peer review of angiograms and medical records to evaluate physician compliance with Appropriate Use Criteria
  • Evaluation of novel Imaging agents that require a comparison with angiography as the gold standard (assessment of myocardial contrast echo (MCE) agents, agents to improve echo border detection, PET imaging agents, novel contrast agents)
  • Adjudication of stent thrombosis
  • Coronary and peripheral angiogenesis trials
  • Studies of vasomotion and vasomotor tone
  • Distal and proximal protection trials
  • Carotid stenting trials
  • Renal artery trials
  • Peripheral interventional trials
  • Assessment of saphenous vein graft patency following coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG)